
Denair Middle School Student told by School to Remove American Flag off his Bicycle

Cody Alicea, a 13 year old boy from Denair, California, was told by his school to remove the American flag from his bicycle. Alica says he taped the flag to his bike to honor America and veterans like his grandfather.

The liberal idiots at the Denair Middle School told Alicea that other students were complaining about the flag. Then, after their hands have been held out for federal money--your tax dollars--to fund their education programs through the unconstitutional Department of Education, they told Alicea he was not allowed to bring the flag onto school property. That's right, the American flag is contraband at Denair Middle School.

"In this country we're supposed to be free," said Cody. "And I should be able to wave my flag wherever I want to. And they're telling me I can't."

None of the wussie administrators at Denair Middle School in Denair, California made a statement. Hey Codie, some advice, those colors don't run. Fly them proudly. My grandfathers fought for those colors as did yours, and I wore the uniform ready to put my life on the line for those colors all so the administrators at your school could have the freedoms they enjoy.