
Mitt Romney 2012: So Republicans Want to Repeal Obamacare, But They are Willing to Nominate the Brains of Obamacare for President?

Politics is confusing to most people. It's no wonder why. If you aren't paying attention, you probably would never know that a Republican is responsible for many of the concepts in Obamacare. Before there was Obamacare, there was Romneycare in Massachusetts. Guess who the Republican favorite is as we prepare to kick off the 2012 presidential election--that's right the architect himself, Mitt Romney. He socialized the Massachusetts healthcare system when he was governor.

While Romneycare met Constitutional requirement since it was a states' rights issue, it was still bad government and has gone broke just like Obamacare. Like Obama will be remembered for Obamacare, Romney's legacy as Massachusetts governor is the broken Romneycare in Massachusetts. Considering, this truth, why would any Republican want to throw a vote in Romney's direction?

His signature achievement as governor: legislation that extended health care coverage to everyone in the state by employing an array of financial carrots and sticks such as tax penalties for those who refused to buy insurance.

Even with a broken healthcare system in Massachusetts that has become more and more expensive, Romney defends the more government approach to healthcare by using the 10th Amendment.

"Ours is a state solution to a state problem within the rights of the constitution. Obamacare is a federal intrusion of power taking over the rights of states and the rights of families, the rights of doctors. It is a massive abuse of constitutional power. And for that reason I think it needs to be repealed and we need to do a better job to get health care reform in a way that makes it work more like a market," he told Fox News' Sean Hannity.

"What the bill did was to say look, we're going to solve a problem at the state level. Two big things that are very different than Obamacare. One is states should be able to solve state problems. The federal government should not step in as the president has, take away the right of states. We solved our problem on a bipartisan basis. We also had the business community, the health care community come together," he told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly.

Yet in 2008, Romney used Romneycare as a selling point for his failed presidential bid. So what is Mitt? Proud achievement or a real nightmare the influenced the creation of Obamacare? Whatever it is, it proves Romney shouldn't be the next in line for the Republican bid for president. Considering, the need to repeal (NOT REPLACE) Obamacare, Romney would be another Republican that would weaken repeal.