
Matt Drudge Declares the Terrorists the Winners as American Way of Life has Changed for the Worse with TSA and Department of Homeland Security

A sobering headline appears on the front page of Drudge. Above the headline is a Catholic nun getting patted down around her genital regions by a TSA agent. The headline reads, "The Terrorists Have Won."

It's not like we weren't warned. Benjamin Franklin once said, those who give up liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security. That's what exactly is happening to a great Republic whose people were once free to roam as they please. Now the words your papers follow begin the process of a checkpoint I once thought was only possible in the Soviet Union.

We have given up Constitutional rights since 9/11, and I think this is the most honest and hard-hitting headline I have seen on the Drudge Report in the many years that I have visited the site. The terrorists have won, and you need not look any further than the picture posted on the Drudge Report of a nun with a TSA agent's face in front of her groin area hands patting down an area that is indecent to touch.