
Is the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Distancing Themselves from Roy Blunt

Remember the controversy this summer when Michele Bachmann endorsed Roy Blunt over Chuck Purgason? The Tea Party across Missouri was angered based on Roy Blunts not so Constitutionally conservative voting, but after the primary it made its temporary peace with Roy Blunt when Blunt signed the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition pledge. Now it appears, before Blunt even steps foot in the Senate, the St. Louis Tea Party may be distancing itself once again from Blunt. What's odd is many of these people were wanting to take credit for Roy Blunt's victory just days ago. (I don't know if Mr. Hennessy was one of these people.)

Oh yes, those were good times when deceptiCONS Blunt and Ed Martin met with the St. Louis Tea Party to sign the pledge, but now they are seeing the real Roy Blunt coming back--the king of the deceptiCONs and they are running. Blunt's years in House leadership led to more spending and more government. But the St. Louis Tea Party is upset with him of all things, earmarks--those transparent projects that help taxpayers see where federal money is going to, and as long as they meet Article One Section Eight, I don't have a problem with them.

Bill Hennessy of the St. Louis Tea Party writes, "When you vote for a candidate for high office, sometimes you do so with fingers crossed. You just don’t know how they’ll handle the new responsibilities. Will they succumb to pressure and influence? Or will they remain true?"

Oh our fingers were crossed again, but how can you say you don't know how an old dog is going to handle new responsibilities when they have a clear record of similar responsibilities in the House? To expect change from Roy Blunt would be like standing at the sea hoping the Lord will let you play Moses so you can cross.

I will disagree with Mr. Hennessy on the earmark argument. Earmarks aren't the problem in Washington, DC. It's the entitlements and the unconstitutional bureaucracies that amass a dangerous debt level. It's our massive military budget that could use some major trimming as well.

So, one of the founders of the St. Louis Tea Party is mad that Roy Blunt won't commit to ending earmarks. While I frown at many of the stands Blunt has taken from the Patriot Act to TARP to Cash for Clunkers, I support Blunt on earmarks. Here's why Mr. Hennessy, 17 cents of every gallon of gas we put in our cars goes to Washington DC for road project and maintenance, and every penny should that leaves our state should come back to our state for roads even if it means putting the money in an earmark. This is one thing that Blunt does right.

However, I agree, he shouldn't dodge the question on earmarks like you point out in your article. We know he is going to earmark, so he should just answer the question. My question for the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition and Mr. Hennessy is why did you give Blunt a free pass on other issues last month when his neocon record opposes everything the Tea Party represents. He signed your pledge and they ogled in St. Louis.

You see, why you are fixated on earmarks Mr. Hennessy, when a greater crime is taking place in this country. Get over the earmarks! These republicans are talking about fixing entitlements and big federal programs. You have Billy Long agreeing that there are many parts of Obamacare that are good, and I have not doubt Republicans will fail in repealing Obamacare once they see whats in it for them--power and money. In a time when the mood in this country is such that many of these entitlements and bureaucracies that make up leviathan can be slayed and applauded by the people when they die, the Republicans have shifted directions and are talking about fixing the New Deal and the Great Society, and you want to cry about earmarks? Geez!

You are right in your closing statement, "Congratulations to Roy Blunt for showing the testicularity to pretend the Tea Party never happened." Surely you are surprised Mr Hennessy?

Get over the earmarks, and look at the opportunity the Republicans are wasting to kill big government, and then ask yourself why. They aren't who they say they are. They never have been, and that's why the victory almost two weeks ago is far less significant than what people are making it. The Republicans are blowing a real chance to kill big government once and for all. They would rather get the hammer and nails out to fix it rather than the wrecking ball to kill it. I expect Roy Blunt to lead the charge in the Senate.