
Rumor: Did Billy Long Sell Billy Long Auctions?: $400,000 for a Sign and Office Furniture

Hearing rumors that Billy Long has sold his auction company for $400,000. The news on the street is that Billy Long and the other auctioneer flew to Las Vegas to complete the deal. Now Remember, Billy Long said he wouldn't be able to get anything out of the auction business, and he wanted us to feel sorry for him and the sacrifice he was making for Southwest Missouri.

However, those close to the deal said Billy Long got double of what the auction business is worth. DOUBLE. Besides, what does Billy Long really have in it other than some office furniture and a name, something even he pointed out. Just because another auctioneer buys it doesn't mean its going to be successful. $400,000 sounds like a lot, especially when Long said the business was worth nothing without him on KZRG. Billy Long has always been good at spotting suckers. What's that say about Southwest Missouri?

This still doesn't get Billy Long off the hook. The real prime jewel in this sacrifice was his 1/3 ownership in Murney Associates, Springfield's largest real estate company. While Billy Long Auctions may be worthless political pathos to add to Billy Long's own legacy he wants to leave behind, what about Murney Associates? Long indirectly referenced Murney in the above interview.

When this breaks in the News Leader, what do you bet Billy Long tells the News-Leader he didn't gamble while he was there, and yet the reporters at the News-Leader are too stupid to realize, gee, Billy goes to Vegas a lot as they accept stories about his love of gambling as just "Internet rumors."