
Tea Party Warns Freshmen Congressmen: "We're Watching You"

GOP freshman Billy Long with
Nancy Pelosi
While the congressmen-elect are yukking it up with Nancy Pelosi and others symbolic of the establishment that ignored the people and the Constitution, the TEA Party movement across America doesn't seem impressed. I know I am not, and considering that damage Speaker Pelosi has done to this country, she is the last person I would want to pose with if I were a freshman incoming Congressman who rode the wave of Tea Party anger to Congress.

The TEA Party has a message to the freshman class, and it is one that should be taken very seriously. From the Washington Post:

The conservative tea party groups that helped elect dozens of new candidates to Congress on Nov. 2 are now delivering a warning to them: We're watching you...

If the new members don't vote the way they promised they would, the group's leaders vowed, they will work just as hard to get them out of Congress as they did to get them in. At one point, the crowd broke into a chant: "We're watching!"

That we are. That we are, and let me be the first to express pictures of these new Congressmen smiling with Nancy Pelosi sent home for the local newspapers to print is a sign Washington has already gone to their heads. Do they not understand it is not an honor to stand next to this woman? As well, whiny Congressmen-elect who are already complaining the government isn't taking care of them enough, like Congressman-elect Andy Harris, who boohooed because his insurance doesn't kick in for 28 days until after he is sworn in doesn't impress us either. This isn't about any of you. It's about the Republic and restoring a government of the people, by the people, for the people.