
Denair Middle School Student Gets a Police Escort to School After School Bans His American Flag


Last week, Cody Alicea, aka "Flag Boy," was told to remove his American flag from his bicycle or he couldn't bring his bicycle on school grounds. This caused a nationwide protest against the boy's school. Today, he was escorted to school by a police escort.

A group of Patriotic American were awaiting Cory. When he got there, they began reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the boy who refuses to remove the American flag from his bicycle. Cory says he flies the flag on his bike to honor his veteran grandfather, but the school told him to remove it believing it would lead to racial tension.

You wouldn't believe the attention this is created across our Republic supporting Cory and his flag. It looks like he is going to be the honored guest in January when the new Congress is sworn in as well.

Practically every conservative Blogger in America, every Veterans group, every patriotic group, and pretty much the entire state of Texas has been Tweeting, Facebooking, and emailing about the flag flap. FOX40's website has seen exponential traffic on the story, breaking all previous records for the most clicked on single story in station history.

A Texas online group supported by Rhonda Lyn, Texas Times Today is asking supporters to mail 1,000,000 small U.S. flags to the school to show support for the flag, and teach the school a lesson about messing with the Stars and Stripes.

A veteran with friends at Beale Air Force Base is arranging to have a pilot fly a flag and mission patches in a U-2 plane to deliver to Cody.

More support is flooding Facebook. One Facebook group is called Send Cody Alicea to Washington, D.C., started by Mike Epstein. Another cause is Protect Cody Alicea's Right to Fly the American Flag on His Bicycle.

Supporter Greg Hamilton from Reno started this website, along with a Facebook “Cause” page, flagsforcody.

The groups trying to raise money for Cody may be able to pause their efforts, though. Newly elected Congressman Jeff Denham offered to take Cody with him for his swearing in ceremony in January, saying, "This is an outrage. Denair Middle School's anti-U.S. Flag policy is anti-veteran. It's ridiculous to think that displaying the U.S. Flag somehow creates ‘racial tension.' This is America! Many American men and women have given their lives to defend our right to fly the Flag. Cody should have that right, too." Denham is a 16-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force.