
Will Billy Long Comply or Opt Out of the Naked Full Body Scanners on his Freshman Orientation Trip to DC?

Billy Long is tweeting from a Tea Party in Washington DC. I can't help but wonder again how fed up Billy Long really is with freedom killing big government as he panders to the Tea Parties yet again. Therefore, I have been wondering for the past couple hours, what will Billy Long do at the airport? Will he comply to the humiliating and freedom robbing Transportation Security Administration? Or will he opt out questioning the Constitutional authority of the TSA and their naked full body scans and junk grabbing pat downs?

Here is a moment where we can have true insight about how far Billy Long is going to go to defend freedom and liberty and how fed up he is with big government stomping on its people. He should be inspired by the Tea Party rhetoric he is hearing today. Will he opt out and cite his rights like the man did at the San Diego airport yesterday or will he comply with the freedom killing TSA and allow his body to be scanned. Something tells me Billy Long will comply with the TSA. Of course it was his party, the Republican party that started all this nonsense. Who would have thought we would see Soviet like checkpoints at our airports taking pictures of our naked bodies and grabbing our genitals in the name of national security? It's just sad.

I would love to hear reported from the national press corp that Congressman-elect Billy Long was escorted out of Dulles after calling the TSA thug a "swisher" and informing that thug he wasn't going to touch his package. I know it's not going to happen. Long sold out the people of the 7th long before he traveled to freshman orientation.

Benjamin Franklin cries. Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security.