
Billy Long in Washington for Freshmen Orientation: Billy Long Poses for Official Congressional Photo

Billy Long is in Washington as Congressman elect Long, but you can just call him Billy. And the fine reporting at the Springfield News-Leader also posed the question of the hat. Will Billy Long take his official photo wearing the Boss Hogg hat? We have the answer to that question, stay tuned.

Before leaving, Billy Long told the News-Leader he was worried about being "hazed" as a new freshman, recalling his party days at Mizzou where his nickname was Ogre as he recalled drinking games with scantily clad Golden Girls. He said those does inspired him to do something with his life like play lots of poker.

For some reason, Long said his first semester at MU was probably worse that most freshmen trying to buy their way into the in scene. He recalls the hazing was quite intense, and says he is ready for it on the Hill.

Thanks to the magic of digital pixels, it didn't take Billy Long to release his new official freshman Congressional photo. Here is the debut of the Long picture, which will be proudly hung in Long's congressional offices in the district and in Washington DC.

Billy released the official picture in a press release that simply read, ""I'm dead sexy. Look at my sexy body. And soon I will be your Congressman."