
St. Louis Bids for 2012 Democratic National Convention, and Why Not? It's the Perfect Symbol of Liberalism

Chuck Berry and Nelly are backing the St. Louis bid to bring the Democratic National Convention to St. Louis--a peeping tom guitar hero and a rap star who sings about getting high and says the F word a lot. Perfect!

St. Louis is one of four of the final cities to host the Democratic National Convention in 2012, and I think it's the perfect symbol of Obama's broke America.

Closed down auto plants, union workers out of jobs, windows boarded up everywhere, government housing, and lots of homeless people sleeping along Market Street. Yes, there is a little bit of everything symbolic of liberalism stretched out across the once-proud city to make it the perfect stop for Democrats in 2012. Instead of Greek columns, Obama can walk down steps cluttered in trash as the main area for tourists has become overcome with more homeless people over the last two years. Yes, I am supporting St. Louis for the DNC's Convention.

Get the hookers ready, the Democrats are coming to town. Hope they don't mind the methed out kind. There's lots of them in the state to go round.