
2012 MO7 Republican Primary Gets More Interesting

Billy Long has already launched his reelection campaign for Congress, despite attack career politicians during the primary who Long claims spends more time worried about getting reelected than doing the good for the people. Interesting how consistent the contradictions are spaced behind Long's words.

It appears he already has Republicans looking to challenge him. Will Lynch, a Mizzou law student, says he will challenge Billy Long in 2012 if a Republican doesn't step up to the plate. However, a tweet today posted by Wardell4Congres, which is Republican Michael Wardell's Twitter account used in the Republican primary but rarely used since responded to Lynch today.

@wlynch62 @CamSullivan maybe you won't have too......

Wardell's Twitter account includes a conservative GOP elephant stomping on a RINO. Could Billy Long be the Rino, and is this a clue that Wardell is ready to step into this race. Wardell attracted the smallest number of votes in the Republican primary, but he was the only Republican that continued to challenge Billy Long after the primary. All the other Republicans and one Democrat put their lackluster seal of approval on Long. Could this be a rallying cry for people who will soon discover they have been sold a false bill of good with Billy Long?