
Neocon Tera Sukman Announces Tea Party Patriot HQ Has Gone Non-Profit and Threatens Those Who Exposed Her For Profit Status

The Tea Party Patriot HQ, which should be called the Weak Tea Neocon Headquarters, in Branson, Missouri claims it has gone non-profit. Apparently, in Tera Suckman's sick world that is clueless about what Constitutional conservatism is, if you even mentioned they were a for-profit Tea Party, which was provable with documentation  from the Missouri Secretary of State's office, you are a slandering liberal. LOL, this woman is shameless.

The Tea Party Patriot HQ is the same Tea Party movement in Branson that slapped the label Constitutional conservative on Roy Blunt, a representative that voted for the TARP bank bailouts, Cash for Clunkers, the Patriot Act, and a number of other not so Constitutional and not so conservative bills. So the bottom line here is they may be a non-profit organization, but they are still a NEOCON organization that is clueless about Constitutional conservatism.

Currently the Tea Party Patriot HQ fan page reads:

Teaparty Patriot-hq NOTICE: Tea Party Patriot HQ, Inc. is a Missouri Not-for-Profit Corporation, having filed its Articles of Incorporation with the Office of the Missouri Secretary of State on November 12, 2010, effective on filing. Thank you so much to the liberal blogger who pointed out so formally that our articles had not been properly processed. ♥

But earlier in the day, according to Branson Tea Party leader Eric Farris (Branson Tea Party being a separate entity not affiliated with the Neocon Tea Party Patriot HQ), sent me an e-mail with text from Facebook that showed  Sukman was threatening legal action online against two people for noting the Tea Party Patriot HQ was listed as for-profit business and backing it up with legal documents from the Secretary of State's office in Jefferson City.

Here are the words of the leader of the Tea Party Patriot HQ:

Any town in US please get in touch with us here at Tea Party Patriot HQ. Every town should have a Physical Location to Meet and forward Conservative Constitutional issues. The internet and Facebook serves a Purpose but there's nothing like Face to Face. We will help you get started in forming not for Profit and product to give away to forward movement. This is New Ground. We can do it BETTER

Hopefully I can help you avoid Creeps in dark basements who have Fake identities who forward progressive politics of personal destruction. Little Boys who prematurely convict True Patriots and hurt the Tea Party Movement in supporting important issues that face our nation. BRING IT ON Progressive Patriot HATERS. Put your Money where your Mouth is. I DO. I don't hide in Dark Basement. You can find me 6 days a week FIGHTING for my COUNTRY
Tera Sukman
Founder/ Tea Party Patriot HQ a NON- PROFIT CORP


An entity called Richard Saunders and a Blog called Buffalo Bill is coming against the Tea Party Patriot HQ. I believe he is one in the same little Boy playing destructive games hindering the Conservative Constitutional movement of the tea party Patriot HQ and he hides behind FAKE NAMES and PICTURES. This had been handed over to Lawyers and Procecuting attorneys and trust me we already know who you are. If you can get out of your Basement I welcome you to come to the Tea Party Patriot HQ and see what you ate trying to HARM. Only Patriots and Former Veterans are here Donating their Time and energy. So MR Progressive, as Glen Beck calls people like you, or you could be a RHINO or just a sore Loser in Primary. Don't know but BE a Real Man and stop turning the HQ in to the City wasting there TIME. 6 Times this Month we have been inspected because of Secret Calls asking for investigation. Every time we are told Keep up the Good work. Thank you GOD. So keep it up we will put one foot in front of the other. We will not stop standing up for this Country
Tera sukman
Founder of Tea Party Patriot HQ a NON FOR PROFIT CORP

As you can see, Tera Sukman is out there out there. She obviously wears a tin foil hat. Regardless of whether or not the Branson Tea Party Patriot HQ is a for profit or non profit business, it subscribes to neocon beliefs, not Constitutional conservative beliefs. By the way, someone needs to teach Sukman English, especially if her Tea Party movement supports English as the primary language in America. As well, for someone who idolizes Glenn Beck, like Sukman does, you think she would know how to spell his name, and it's RINO, Tera, RINO not RHINO like the animal.