Scanning the Springfield News-Leader online edition gives no indication the N-L will report information gathered from Scott Eckersley's news conference yesterday over a fraudulent e-mail. On Friday, media sources received a fraudulent e-mail claiming Scott Eckersley was suspending his campaign. Yesterday, he laid out the case the e-mail has ties to Billy Long through a political consulting company in Illinois with Springfield ties.
The News-Leader, which relies heavily on the advertising dollars of Long's businesses and his supporters as well, remains quiet over the press conference, refusing to lay out what is known about the e-mail to voters, which clearly shows ties to the Long campaign. Eckersley specifically says he believes Patrick J. Binning wrote the e-mail. Yet there doesn't appear to be coverage at this point from the News-Leader. Considering the federal involvement in this case, one has to ask why the News-Leader continues to provide softball coverage of Billy Long. Knowing Cory De Vera was at this press conference, why isn't more being made of this story, especially with the feds involved.