
Are Senate Democrats Bailing on Obama to Push a Hillary 2012 Campaign?: Top Senate Democrats Horrified by the President's Handling of Things

Joe Scarborough's rant today on Morning Joe is interesting for many reasons. Scarborough claims top Senate Democrats don't have any faith in Obama. He says the Dems are saying behind closed doors Obama doesn't know what he is doing and they "horrified by this president's handling of things for a year and a half now,". Here's the video clip:

One has to wonder if Democrats are scheming to save 2012 from being another disaster at the polls. Nothing the big losses just over a week ago that returned the Republicans to power in the House of Representatives, will Senate Democrats ask Obama to step down from being a candidate in 2012 to make way for Hillary Clinton. I think it's a very real possibility considering Scarborough's conviction in this video. All of this could be done behind closed doors, and it's very unlikely Obama will step down, but I am sure the Clintons and Democrats are looking that opportunity in the coming months.

We could be seeing a major fault line in the Democratic party developing if what Scarborough says is true. I believe it is based on how forcefully it comes across. It will be interesting to watch.