
Are TSA Agents Asking Women to Remove Their Tight Skirts Who Opt Out of the Naked Full Body Scanners?

All over the United States, more and more people are speaking up and standing up to the evil that is the Department of Homeland Security and its TSA. We are finding out more each day how the TSA uses tactics to embarrass passengers in hopes of compliance with their Soviet Union like check points. Now I have come across a suggestion that some women who opt out of the naked full body scanners are being asked by the TSA to remove their skirts in a private pat down room. If this is true, this government and its TSA are totally out of control!

While George Bush gave us the Department of Homeland Security, it's been Obama's stimulus money that has pushed the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA to this oppressive level according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.

"Through the Recovery Act, we are able to continue our accelerated deployment of enhanced technology as part of our layered approach to security at airports nationwide," Napolitano said.

The ACLU claims technology isn't all that comes with this new American police state force enhanced by the stimulus. In fact, their Web site claims that the TSA is asking women to remove their skirts at these airport checkpoints.

From their Web site:

The TSA's "standard pat-down procedure" is now a more invasive form of the pat-down search that you might have experienced in the past.

TSA says that during the new standard pat-down, a screener of the same sex will examine your head, shirt collar area, and waistband, and may use either the front or back of his or her hands to feel your body, including buttocks, around breasts, and between the legs, feeling up to the top of the thigh. Women in tight skirts that don't allow an agent to feel the thigh area may be asked to remove the skirt in a private screening area and will be given a gown or towel to put on.

Wouldn't a tight skirt be the last thing a terrorist would wear? Consider the lack of hiding opportunities in a tight miniskirt.