
Radio Host Meg McLain Claims TSA Handcuffed Her to a Chair for Groping Interrogation

Terrorist Meg McLain, scary isn't she?
Radio host Meg McLain tells a similar story others have told at the airport regarding the TSA. When you tell a TSA agent you refuse to go through the naked full body scanners, the TSA yells "opt out" in an embarrassing and humiliating manner designed to attract attention and COMPLIANCE. That last word being the most important.

McLain tells an interviewer on the radio she was handcuffed by the TSA and a TSA agent actually ripped her boarding pass in half. She also says the TSA lectured her on terrorism for 30 minutes. She was escorted out of the airport by 12 Miami police officers and seven other TSA agents for questioning the authority of the TSA. Wanna bet she will soon be on a no fly list? How dare you question the federal government!

I remind you these are the types of checkpoints we were told existed in the Soviet Union as we fought the Cold War, and they are happening today in the United States.