
CCX: The Chicago Climate Exchange to Close Doors on December 31, 2010

The close of any business in this economy usually doesn't make for good news. This business closing will warm your heart. The CCX, Chicago Climate Exchange, is closing its doors on December 31, 2010. The carbon credit scam is failing in the United States.

CCX billed itself as "North America's only cap-and-trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide." Barack Obama served on the board of the Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002, when it issued CCX start-up grants. Presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett also once sat on the Joyce board. As president, cap-and-trade is one of Obama's highest priorities.

It's closing its doors. Americans have rejected the scam! See I told you it would warm your heart.

It turns out Richard Sandor, the founder of CCX, has close ties to Obama. You aren't surprised that Obama would want to rob from Americans to pad the pocket of his Big Carbon friends in a disgraceful redistribution of wealth scheme that would raise energy costs and force American industry to purchase these worthless, liberal feel good nonsense known as carbon credits.

Sandor once estimated the carbon credit scam could generate as much as $10 trillion in annual revenue. Good grave! Redistribution of wealth! That's all this is.

Of course Sandor sold his shares before the CCX crash. He walked away with $98.5 million for his snake oil salesman scam. If you want even better news, guess who are the biggest losers in the CCX crash. Al Gore's Generation Investment Management and Goldman Sachs, oh how sad!