
Celebrating Rick Perry on Social Security Ponzi Scheme, Maybe? Not Really!: Like Boehner, Let's Fix Big Government

Rick Perry is right, Social Security is a ponzi scheme. It needs to be phased out of American life, but it appears the Republican congress is buying hammers and nails to fix broken government social programs rather than phase it out. While many are celebrating Perry for calling Social Security what it is, I am going to point out something else out. Like Boehner leading the new Republican House to "fix entitlements," Perry is hoping to fix Social Security.

At Augie's Barbed Wire Smokehouse Bar-B-Que (politics central in Texas?), Perry attacked FDR's New Deal. Applause! Make it short applause though.

“Unfortunately, the New Deal has essentially become the third rail of American politics that indiscriminately kills the political careers of any leader bold enough to criticize it or any program it created,” he said.

In a post-speech news conference, Perry further attacked Social Security — as he did in his book “Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington” — and said he did so to create a “national dialogue.”

“I want people to be afraid not to talk about that Social Security is bankrupt and is a Ponzi scheme and if you've got a young 20-something-year-old, they know for a fact that they're not ever going to see that,” he said. “So let's fix it.

Fix it? Why not just phase it out? Why is this such a hard concept for Republicans in 2010 considering the mood of the country and the anger directed at big centralized government from Washington DC? I just don't get why Republicans aren't taking advantage of this mood in this country to eliminate entitlements, bureaucracies, and other government wasteful spending, which there is no Constitutional authority over.

They are all saying fix it, and in a few months, they will realize they can't repeal Obamcare, but they will promise us they will fix it. Whatever will that mean? I will tell you what it does mean. It means it isn't good.

The Republicans continues to tell us they want to fix big government instead of destroy big government. Boehner said it earlier this week, and Perry says it again. As I read around my Conservative friends' blogs, they celebrate because he called it a Ponzi Scheme while ignoring he said let's fix it.

I worry the overall solution to fix Social Security is to print money to pay everyone, making the money you paid into Social Security worth nothing.