
"I'm Not A Career Politician" Billy Long Already Making Plans for Reelection Bid: He Hasn't Even Started Freshmen Orientation

What did Billy Long say about career politicians? Heck it seems so long ago now. How long has it been since he became a Congressman-elect anyway?

That's right Billy Long said he wasn't going to Washington to become a career politician. Let me help you too remember that since the election was like less than ten days ago and the people of Southwest Missouri seem to have short attentions spans when it comes to Billy Long.

Anyway, the Cam Sullivan, the president of the College Democrats at Missouri State, just tweeted that the Missouri State Political Science Department just sent out an e-mail saying that Billy Long is looking for interns for his reelection campaign.

The poli sci department at @MissouriState just sent out an email that Billy Long is looking for interns for his reelection campaign...

So let me get this straight, Billy Long, who says he isn't a career politician, who hasn't even started freshman orientation for new Congressmen yet, let along decided whether or not he is going to wear his Boss Hogg 7.5 gallon hat in his official Congressional portrait, is already working to get reelected?

But he's no career politician, right, I mean we can still believe in Billy Long's word right?

It really is true what Rush Limbaugh says about politicians. Their first and most important job is to get reelected, and Billy Long has proven that all the while claiming he wasn't going to Washington to act like a career politician. Why am I not surprised?