
It's Back: The Free Trade Video of Billy Long and Sarah Steelman the Republican Party Doesn't Want You to See

As a conservative, I believe we need to work harder to nominate qualified Constitutional conservative candidates to serve in Washington to stop federal leviathan. In Missouri 7 today, voters will probably send empty suit Billy Long to Congress based on three words, fed up and republican, yet he is really neither when you start peeling back the layers. In a few months, an emtpy mini skirt will announce her bid for US Senate against Claire McCaskill. Seriously, is this the best the party of Reagan has in Missouri?

When it comes to Billy Long, in one breath he attacks Obamacare and in the next he talks about how good lots of parts of Obamacare really is. This dolt is about 14 hours from being named Roy Blunt's successor, and he really is quite clueless when it comes to the issues.

On Sunday evening, a series of interviews were posted to YouTube. One in particular went viral as Billy Long, a small business man with no political experience, looked like a deer lost in headlights. Then to make matters worse, the celebrated in republican circles Sarah Steelman showed how little she knows as well as she begins to condemn the republican platform of less government and fewer regulations. I have heard state GOP officials wanted this video down as soon as they saw it; however, as a republican named Patrick Binning is finding out, nothing is ever permanently removed from the Internet.