
It Takes Years for a X-Ray Tech to Get Certified, But Not the TSA With Naked Full Body Scanners

I received training to take x-rays in the United States Army. I also received training from companies like Kodak who produce similar technology for dental and medical x-rays like the technology that is being introduced for "security" in airports across the great Republic. More than likely I have more training in radiography and digital x-ray equipment than that crack pot team at the airports known as the TSA.

What's interesting about that is that if I tried to go get a job at the hospital to take x-rays, I wouldn't be qualified because I don't have the certifications and licenses, although I have taken thousands of x-rays in my lifetime.

Consider what's going on in our airports and what soon may take place in court houses, schools, and other places around the country that may soon even include sporting events like the Super Bowl. The United States government is bypassing state laws on x-ray certifications to allow a crack pot team of federal security to deliver a higher dose of radiation without much training. Does anybody else find this troubling?

For the average x-ray tech in the United States, it takes a couple years of schooling. Yet, these machines are being set up in our airports without any long-term testing of possible health issues, and they are allowing on the job training of people who obviously aren't educated much past high school from what I have seen, to radiate Americans with these naked full body scanners. While the violations to the right to privacy bother me, so does the fact, they are obviously rushing these things in the airports and its questionable just how much training and knowledge the users have about the radiation exposure they are subjecting Americans to.

I write this tonight having experience in using and selling x-ray equipment, hearing the concerns of the airline industry's unions. The unions are begging their members to opt out of the scanners for health purposes. Can you blame them considering they are probably going through these things five or six times if not more a week? Geez.