
Lindsay Lohan Wants to Open the Lindsay Lohan Rehab Clinic: Maybe She Should Worry About Herself First

When I think of human mental strength to overcome chemical addictions, Lindsay Lohan doesn't come to mind. I guess she hopes to follow the footsteps of former first lady Betty Ford, who turned her own chemical dependency into the Betty Ford Center to help others out. Lindsay Lohan hopes to open a similar center for substance abuse.

Lindsay Lohan's mother was on the Today Show as Lohan continues rehab at Betty Ford. How many times has she gone through this routine? She says Lohan is doing good.

"The Betty Ford Center is just an amazing place," declared Dina Lohan, calling it a "life-changing" experience. This is the fifth time that her daughter Lindsey has entered a rehab centre, though her mother feels sure it will be the last.

"I don't have a crystal ball. I pray hard," she said, although apparently her famous daughter is now concentrating on new ambitions. "She wants to start her own facilities, help other children," announced Dina on 'The Today Show'.

Don't you think she should get out of the clinic and actually create a good track record of sobriety before she attempts to help anyone else? As someone who has dated an alcoholic who was slowly killing herself, I understand this need for them to help someone. It's almost as if they need others around them with similar afflictions to make them feel better about themselves. I seriously saw this in a woman I feel deeply in love with only to discover how bad her chemical addiction was as she was drinking at work as a licensed social worker with credentials as a clinical counselor. Seeing and experiencing this, it's best Lohan just takes this one step at a time and just get herself healthy without worrying about other people.

I always found it scary once I discovered the secret life of this former girlfriend, that she was trying to help people with their problems when she was very messed up, living a life of chemical and sexual addictions. Why is there this need to help others when you aren't healthy enough to help yourself?