Let's face it. The Republicans don't have a stellar record on enforcing immigration laws. Even after 9/11, George W. Bush did little to secure our borders despite his claims. We now see how not taking the actions needed with Republicans were in power has led to more violence and crime at the border. Now is the time for change, and the Republican Congress needs to lead with an iron fist to ensure legal immigration takes place in America.
While Republicans are currently expressing a new toughness with illegal immigration, a new survey will help them in their efforts to crack down on illegal immigration.
In 2007, 50percent of Latinos surveyed told the Pew Hispanic Center that the growing number of illegal immigrants was a positive force for the existing Latino population. In a Pew survey released Thursday, that number had plummeted to 29percent.
That's right, even legal Latino Americans are souring on what the illegal immigration problem is doing to our Republic.
It is time to drop talk of amnesty, Senator Lindsey Graham, and talk about enforcement. Americans are needing jobs, and now is not the time to encourage more illegal immigration with amnesty. Now is the time to get tougher on immigration laws and secure the borders to lessen the negative effects from illegal immigration on law abiding Americans living near the borders.