Remember Peggy Joseph, the poster child of everything that is wrong in America? You know, people who think the government owes them rather than realizing federal government has a very limited role in America? Well, I have sad news to report. Obama still isn't paying her house payment; however, he is helping another woman with her house payment (sort of).
Jennifer Cline, 28, from Monroe, Michigan, wrote Obama a letter explaining how much life sucks in America for her and her husband with hope they would get some hope. "I lost my job, my health benefits and my self-worth in a matter of five days."
An Obama staff member saw the letter of the young woman, and he wrote her back. "Thanks for the very kind and inspiring letter. I know times are tough, but knowing there are folks out there like you and your husband gives me confidence that things will keep getting better!"
Thanks to that letter, things have gotten better for Cline. She sold her letter from Dear Leader Obama to an autograph store. The woman and her husband who were struggling received $7,000 for the letter from Gary Zimet.
I would expect an increase in America sucks letters from lefties hoping for a free ride from Obama in one way or another.