
Billy Long Doesn't Support the Legalization of Online Gambling: Long's Name Appears on Online Gambling Registry

Question six of the Missouri Family Policy Counsel asked Missouri 7 candidates, "do you support the legalization of Internet gambling?"

Billy Long answers no.

That's funny. When I was researching his gambling habits, I recall his name came up in an Online Poker Player Search Result.

In fact the listing offers these details about Billy Long's poker playing:

Billy Long is a GreenFish (Passive/Passive). Billy Long's consistently passive play makes him a weak, unprofitable player.

Sounds like the description of Billy Long the candidate as well--weak.

So here we have another character issue. Why does Billy Long's name appear all over the Internet on gambling sites, but he still denies any involvement and uses a psuedo anti-gambling stance to pander to the family values crowd?

Voters Guide-Missouri 7th District