
Al Qaeda Plan to Turn Man's Best Friend (Dogs) Into Kamikaze Bombs

Fox News is reporting of Al Qaeda's latest scheme to terrorize the world. One has to wonder what government organization will be formed to 'protect' the American people, perhaps the DSA?

Al Qaeda actually planned to drop dogs with bombs surgically placed inside the dog from airplanes--a kamikaze canine a French newspaper writes.

The canine-centered plot failed because the bombs were so poorly stitched inside the dogs that they died, Paris daily Le Figaro reports.

“This case illustrates the determination of Al Qaeda militants, who are trying to circumvent terrorism controls by any means,” French criminologist and aviation expert Christophe Naudin told the newspaper.

According to the report, the dogs were stray dogs the terrorists took, and did such a poor job of planting the bomb device inside the dogs that they died immediately. Sick, just sick. The terrorists planned to place the dogs in a kennel and put them on flights at the Baghdad airport for flights destined to the United States.