
Flight Attendants Upset Over TSA's Sexual Assault at Airports Around the Country

First it was the pilots who said enough. Now flight attendants are tired of having their genitalia patted down before the board their flights for a day's work.

The Flight Attendants Union are now complaining, representing thousands of flight attendants around the country, about the pat downs at airports across the country that actually place TSA hands on the genitalia areas for a complete frisking.

"We're getting calls daily about peoples' experiences, our members are concerned," said Deborah Volpe, Vice President of the Association of Flight Attendants Local 66.

One of the reasons flight attendants are having to go through this form of sexual assault is because they don't want to be exposed day after day to the full body scanners at airports. And who can blame them? Why would you want to risk your health with increased doses of radiation every day before you go to work. It simply isn't healthy, and out federal government has done a horrible job in implementing airport security with these oppressive means in a country that calls itself free. We have become a police state in less than ten years.

The union is fighting to change the security standards for airline employees who must work past the ticketing area of the airport.