
Boo Hoo, Democrats Want Nancy Pelosi to Step Down: Pelosi is Politically Toxic

Cry Baby
Yesterday morning on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said he had been speaking to high ranking Senate Democrats who claim they are horrified with Obama's leadership and are unsure Obama knows what he is doing. Today, we are finding out the Democrats aren't confident in Nancy Pelosi's leadership either.

The Associated Press reports that a growing number of House Democrats won't vote for Pelosi for Minority Leader. Boo hoo! But you know what this means, right? Steny Hoyer is probably waiting in the wings. Oh brother!

Listen to what an Illinois Democrat said about Pelosi. "The reality is that she is politically toxic," said Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley

Some Democrats hope she will get a clue and just walk away. "If enough people come out and voice a little discomfort with the idea of her continuing on, maybe she would reconsider," said the Pennsylvanian, one of a handful of Democrats who said he won't cast a ceremonial vote for her.