
Michele Bachmann Concedes House Leadership Positions: The Real Story is GOP Establishment Doesn't Want their Boat Rocked by Tea Party

Michele Bachmann has worked hard in the House of Representatives to return the body back to the vision of our founders. While she has made some questionable moves, there is no doubt her heart is with the TEA Parties. For this reason, the GOP establishment proved once again they don't want their neocon boat rocked by the TEA Party.

She has seen the writing on the wall, and she has decided to concede any leadership position in this Congress, which is already showing its neocon colors. She has released the following statement:

Jeb Henserling has my enthusiastic support for his candidacy to become Republican House Conference Chair. Jeb has demonstrated his commitment to limited government, reduced spending and lower taxes and he will be a strong voice for the Tea Party’s call for these values.

“I look forward to continuing my consistent support of the Tea Party. I plan to advance the Tea Party ideals through their listening arm, the Tea Party Caucus. It is my wish to bring new faces to the caucus, including freshmen members.”

“The new Congress will have great opportunities to lead our country into the direction our founders intended. I spoke with Mr. Boehner and other members of leadership and I am convinced they will wholeheartedly work towards the issues the American people are calling for such as fiscal responsibility, ending the bailouts and repealing Obamacare.”