
Take an Online Virtual Tour of the White House: Your Tax Dollars at Work Producing Obama Pathos

You're invited inside the White House. Obama promised transparency, and this is what I think he meant in a very hidden administration. You can now tour the White House online on your computer.

The virtual White House tour starts at, and it allows you to explore sections of the White House. But don't get too excited. It's not an interactive multimedia joy. In fact, it's nothing more than Obama pathos that really goes nowhere.

You start with a map of the White House floors.

One would expect when you click on the red icons that you will get to get a real inside look. You figured perhaps you can look around by changing the angles with your mouse. Nope.

Click on the East Colonnade, and you get this boring picture of Obama running in the peoples' home with his dog Bo. We can't even get transparency with a virtual White House tour. Just more of the same...

I am bored.