
John Boehner and the Republicans Look to Waste This Great Opportunity to Shrink the Federal Government

I am sad. I am sad, but I knew this was going to be the case. You should be sad too. John Boehner and the Republicans appear to be squandering the chance of a lifetime to kill off the New Deal and the Great Society. They are missing a chance to get rid of freedom and job killing bureaucracies as well. I believe, from what I am seeing, they are wasting the best chance ever to kill the federal leviathan.

The anger in America at the federal expansion of powers is at an all-time high. Why not capitalize on it now? Why not become TEA Party heroes? Why not truly do what the Pledge to America says and return the federal government to the limits set by the United States Constitution? Why, why, why?

No, instead, we get John Beohner, the future leader of the DeceptiCONs in the House, saying words like "fix entitlements" and "replace Obamacare." Good grief! Don't the see the time is now? They will never have a better chance to please the American people than they do now to cut out the products of the New Deal and the Great Society, which have contributed to more debt and more poverty through their socialist utopia misguided roots. The time is now. Unfortunately, the RINOs who now run the House believe they can fix the entitlements when they have a true chance to fix the country. What am I missing here?

Here's Boehner discussing how the Republicans will lead--if you call this leadership. Good greif!

And here is one of the moronic Republican freshman, Billy Long, talking about all the good things that are in the Obamacare plan--like forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions and calling people children up until age 26. Insurance companies do cover pre-existing conditions providing subscribers are willing to pay higher premiums you dolt. It's sort of like car insurance. The higher the risk you are, the more you pay. I don't see the problem with this business practice, but I do see a problem with a Republican telling health insurance companies they are going to force something on them in a "free market." Good gravy!

Third Party 2012 Please!