The government has confiscated your wealth your entire life. They have promised you a retirement check and forced you to pay into a broken system. Now American Citizens who were forced into this controversial federal retirement plan are about to get another kick in the rear end from the federal government.
If you have seen your recent yearly Social Security statement, the federal government is now calculating what would have been your total monthly payment and then telling you after they show the bigger number, you are only going to get 70 some percent of that total due to the system being broken.
Now to fund the never ending wars which are going to be occupations for years with talk of attacking Iran in the news earlier this week, the nation's seniors are about to take another hit. John Boehner says Social Security retirement age needs to be raised to age 70.
“We need to look at the American people and explain to them that we’re broke,” Boehner said. “If you have substantial non-Social Security income while you’re retired, why are we paying you at a time when we’re broke? We just need to be honest with people.”
If we're broke and we are, we need to end Social Security by phasing it out. Republicans need to pass a bill that states anyone born after January 1, 2012 will not enter the system. As well, since we are broke, we need to cut the military budget and end this planned occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. It's insane. Both these federal actions, the creation of Social Security and King George style empire building, would have angered the founding fathers.
Howard "Buck" McKeon, who will probably chair the House Armed Services committee says he will push the Republicans to increase the military budget. Doesn't he realize we are broke too? Will Boehner fight McKeon with the same argument, we're broke? We spend 46% of the world's total military budget, and yet this new neo-con Congress wants to spend more. This isn't the conservatism we were promised. It's more of the same from the big spending Republicans. Let's hope Ron and Rand Paul can fight this one in both houses.
So how will our new Congressman Billy Long vote on Social Security. Well, with Boehner, because he told Vincent David Jericho he will do whatever the Republican leadership tells him to do in Spring of 2009. Since Boehner is planning on fixing a system that is trillions and trillions of dollars in the red (fat chance) Long will prove he isn't fed up federal safety nets.
Here's Long during an interview earlier this year where he is asked about raising the Social Security age. He doesn't talk about ending the program. He leaves it on the table for future consideration, probably so Boehner, whose PAC gave money to Long, tells him how to vote.